Statistical modeling/Milk offtake

The first step in the analysis of the milk offtake data is to try and fit a regression equation with a term to describe a common slope for the pattern and a term to allow separate intercepts on the y-axis for the two locations. We can do this by adding a parameter for LOCATION to that for AGEC. The model can be written algebraically in the form:

      yi = a + bxi + Lj + ei

where yi and xi are the milk offtake and the age of calf, respectively, for cow i (i =1, ..., 164), where Lj (j=1, 2) is a parameter that describes the location where the cow resides with reference to a constant a, and where ei is the residual term.

The location parameter Li signifies that the regression lines for the two locations cross the y-axis at a + L1 and a + L2, respectively.

  • With the algebraic constraint L1 + L2 = 0, this reduces to a + L1 and a − L1, respectively.
  • With the algebraic constraint L1 = 0, this reduces to a and a + L2, respectively.

GenStat uses the second constraint.